
Which ayurvedic medicines are most beneficial for increasing male power?

Which ayurvedic medicines are most beneficial for increasing male power? : Although many things are available to enhance masculine strength. There are many fruits, dry fruits are such that they can increase your masculine power manifold. But if you have asked for medicines to increase male power, then we will talk about medicines only.


I know that many people would know about Ashwagandha. But Ashwagandha does not give the benefit of the level in which it is followed. This is just a stress remover. Lowers your stress. If the stress is less then you will be able to perform well on the bed too. And it gives a little bit of benefit in gaining weight.


Shilajit gives great benefits for increasing sexual power. It increases blood circulation in the body. Apart from this, fulvic acid is found in it, which increases our sex hormones manifold and you get good benefits, but only then you will get the benefit. if you will use it. it tastes very hot

White Muesli

Safed musli is also used to increase sexual desire or in sexual diseases, then you can also consume it, but do not use its powder because many times there is a lot of mixing in the powder. You bring whole grains and grind them at home.


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Shatavar has great benefits in increasing sexual desire and increasing sexual power. If you use its dry powder, then it also gives benefit in increasing weight and also gives benefit in your sexual desire.

This is very beneficial for most women. In women, it increases the amount of milk. Therefore, it is considered very beneficial for lactating women.

Kaunch Beej

If everything is fine in you. You perform well too. Sexual desire is also fine, but if you have a lack of semen, then to increase the semen and to increase the quality of semen to have a child, you can consume Kaunch Beej. Koch seed is used for this. Koch seed is consumed by most of the men only when they are planning a child?


Gokshura Testron is used to increase the hormone. This if you are doing bodybuilding. Can be used to increase stamina and it is also used to increase sexual power, so this is what you can use.Click Read More

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